I was thinking......
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I was thinking......

Just a couple of "things"

by Tom Richards on 02/10/12

As my time becomes full with pottery making and teaching I have a couple thoughts that have been spinning around in my head.

I have been waiting for that next step, the next creative leap. I think that I am now close to it. It involves a couple of couple of "things". Those "things" are by no means small. The first step is really one and a half "things". Making more and pushing the boundaries of the pots that I have been recently making. There are more places I want to take these pots. That would be the half "thing"; the whole thing is working out a glaze palette for those pots.  Because of my teaching and working at the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts' Kirk Newman art school I have developed a glaze palette there that is different than the one I am developing at home - I fire those pots to a higher temperature. I need to work on the glaze palette at my home studio - I fire those pots to a lower temperature. I have several glazes I am working on.

The second "thing" is taking better pictures of my work.  I have been researching how other potters do this and everyone has their own system. Working this out is very important. I have to increase my ability to sell on the internet and to keep you updated on what it is that I am currently working on. I should have this figured out shortly.

Now all I need to do is figure out how to fit all of these "things" in with making pots in both places  (I use different clay bodies in both places) and teaching 30 students....