I was thinking......

I was thinking......

What Spare Time?

by Tom Richards on 12/13/11

 I now have some time to write. I had intended this space as a spot where I could express to you what I have been thinking about as I go about this job of making pots. All of a sudden it has been weeks since I have posted anything. I just finished teaching two classes and making clay at the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts. I barely had time to make a few pots. The last two weeks of school had been a blur. Loading, firing, loading firing - for the last heavy reduction firing for the Explorations class I was there almost 15 hours firing the kiln and then the Holiday Sale right after that. Barely enough time to eat dinner.

Now here I am trying to reflect and tell you what has been going on. I find this very difficult. It is much easier to express myself in clay or talking about clay - not so much in writing about clay. In high school and then in college I wrote poetry all the time - even had a minor in it. Now I don't know what end of the pen to hold or what side of the key board is up. I rely on my wife to be my editor. She is way smarter than I will ever be. I wish this was easier but it is not. I need her to tell me when I get off track. I want this to make some kind of sense, so that you can understand the how and the why of what I do. There are times when no matter how solo your work is you need someone's help in the completion.

Accepting help can be a very difficult thing. You worry about other ideas entering in and clouding or altering what it is you are trying to express. But there are times when you just need help. Getting that outside view of what you have done helps.  As much as I want my clay experience to be the expression of me by me I sometimes need that help to do it.

Merry Christmas. May 2012 bring you bring not only what you need but also what you want.

I will strive to post more in 2012.
